Get Replacement Cost Estimates In Less Than 2 Minutes
Replacement cost estimates in less than two minutes? Yup. Confluency Solutions offers this excellent service absolutely free. It's called the cFluent Personal Property Analyzer; details are below in the snippet from a press release issued today:
"Confluency Solutions announced today the availability of their cFluent Personal Property Analyzer to help consumers easily determine if replacement of personal property is at risk in the event of an insurance claim. The tool can be licensed by independent insurance agents and companies for consumers to access via the internet.
Typical homeowner policies have standardized limits of protection for personal property, or contents, that are a fixed percentage of the coverage limit for the home structure. That limit may be inadequate for 30% of homeowner insurance customers. In recent years, more people have acquired what once were considered luxury and near luxury possessions including expensive home entertainment or computer equipment and commercial quality home appliances. Standard homeowner policy limits don’t always contemplate the value of this type of property. Collections of art, antiques or various collectibles as well as individual items of high value like jewelry can all strain the limits of standard insurance protection.
Confluency Solutions developed the tool with the assistance of Kemper Auto and Home Insurance Company. Kemper Auto and Home noted that policy limits were inadequate to completely replace home contents 20% to 30% of the time in total loss settlements. Kemper asked Confluency Solutions to come up with a simple way to help their customers evaluate if they were at risk. Customizing a homeowner policy so that protection is adequate is inexpensive and straightforward. What is more difficult is helping a consumer calculate the replacement cost of their possessions. Insurance companies and agencies have struggled for years trying to get customers to complete home inventories. But the time involved to complete an inventory usually discourages most from undertaking the process. The cFluent Personal Property Analyzer takes under two minutes to complete and will point out individual risk factors as well as calculate a baseline dollar amount for replacement cost of an individual’s home contents. The tool provides tips for quickly customizing the baseline estimate as well as suggestions for ways insurance protection can be customized.
The cFluent Personal Property Analyzer, which is hosted through Confluency Solutions, can be added to any insurance agency or company web site and requires no technical expertise, special hardware or software to install or use. The hosted solution allows an agency or company to address a significant insurance issue with consumers effectively, flexibly and at little cost.
The cFluent Personal Property Analyzer can be licensed and added to an insurance agent’s web site for $350. Through special arrangement with Kemper Auto and Home, the tool appears on the company website and is available, free of charge, for their agents. Confluency Solutions also provides complete web solutions, through their cFluent Agent Tool Set (cATS), for those agents and their customers who are not yet benefiting from the internet.
Insurance agents and companies can find more information about the cFluent Personal Property Analyzer and other web solutions for insurance by visiting Consumers and insurance professionals can evaluate the cFluent Personal Property Analyzer via the web at For more information contact Confluency Solutions at 877.351.2600."
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